Wednesday, March 25, 2009


For those that don't know, grandma was taken to the hospital Sunday because her blood count was so low and she was vomiting up blood.
They admitted her and put her in ICU.
They gave her 4 units of blood and did a scope test to see where the blood was coming from that she had threw up.
They couldn't find nothing, no tumors, no ulcers so they said she probably busted a small blood vessel in her throat from coughing and vomiting.
Anyway, she is out of ICU and might get to come home today, 3/25
She's a fighter!
That's what this blog is all about.
Love Kay


  1. Yes! Information! Thank you, thank you! I had not heard about any of that...
    Can someone get me grandma's phone # & address?
    I want to mail a card, but do not have her address. Chris or Angie, can you get that to me via email or something? Thanks!

  2. April, if you will email me your phone number I can keep you posted on grams. I talked to her tonight and she was fine but we didnt talk long cause she was going to the bathroom and well....LOL... anyways email me your number and Ill call anytime something comes up. I would like to have everyones number in my cell just in case.

