Thursday, December 10, 2009

Merry Christmas

Did you all have a good time with the clue "buy something using the letters in Merry Christmas". This was fun for us! My kids & I often play a game picking random words & seeing how many other words we can make using those letters. So, I got them in on this & asked them to help me. What did you come up with? These are few we came up with...

Mist (like body mist)
Year (we thought calendar would be good for this)
Meat (beef jerky perhaps?)
Ream (of paper for printer or something)
Yams (couldn't use that one)

Of course, there are lots more words you could get out of Merry Christmas, but these were a few gift ideas we came up with. I used one of the ideas.... Can you guess which one????? If not, I'll guess you'll have to wait & see on Saturday!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hey, can whoever has Morgan's name please note the following updates:

On flip-flops, size 7-8 (womens) would probably be best
She LOVES jammies(fleece, flannel, etc)size 12 (girls)
She loves hoodies,hair accessories, lip gloss, face wash

Friday, September 11, 2009

If you like to play games, check this one out!!!! Fun for the whole family, & can be played at different difficulty levels. Offers various challenges! Good for kids of all ages!

Check out the website:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chase's Birthday Pary!

We had so much fun yesterday!!! I wish everyone could have been here....
I'm having a fall party 10/17 - maybe ya'll can make it out then....
Here's a taste of what you missed!

Thanks Aunt Phyllis & Aunt Sherry for driving out to the house & hanging out with us!
Hope you had a fun, relaxing time....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Is it REALLY August?
Is my baby REALLY turning 1 in a few weeks?
Is summer REALLY almost over & school ready to begin again?
Are the days REALLY going by faster, or is it just me????

* sigh *

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Update on Dad/Danny

Hey everyone.. I have never posted on this blog because I never knew how until I stumbled onto an email with the login info that I have had since I dunno March maybe.. duh!

Anywho heres what going on with Dad.. He had his back surgery Monday in Cape and he did very well. I hear he was very amusing after receiving his HAPPY medicine as he calls it.. Anywho, he got to come home Tuesday afternoon and he is recovering pretty good. However he is in sooo much pain! He is having a hard time getting comfortable and he is pretty needy! I was there with him today while mom was at work and kept him company.. He is really bored! Mainly because he is stuck in the kids room with a TV and thats about all.. He says all he does is sleep and he is tired of sleeping. SO, if anyone wants to call him but dont want to "bother" him, no worries he would enjoy talking to someone! Especially during the day when mom is working...

As far as myself and my family were all doing good! I quit Hastings a couple weeks ago so Im a one job workin woman now! Very happy needless to say! I am however now selling Avon to make up for the lost income. I have an online site at check it out! Nice little stocking stuffers in there.

Kids are doing good. Austin is excited about his birthday which is actually the 18th not the 16th but thats ok :) Were having a pool party at a friends house for him Saturday evening.. He is happy to be turning 4.. McKenzie is getting closer to 2 and BOY can I tell.. Little attitude!!! Ian has been on vacation this week so I took off as well.. We havent done anything really but relaxing is always good. I think tomorrow were either taking the boat on the lake or going to see a movie.

My home PC is screwed up again so I cant check my email from there yet till I set it up on my laptop.. soooo if you need to get in touch with me email me at I check it daily as well..

I never got Phyllis's letter, I dont know why maybe it got lost in the mail? I really want one though. I need as many recipies as I can get cause lord knows I cannot cook worth a darn! LOL

I really miss you all and hope to see you soon!!! Love you all
